"Fast Friends" Greeting Cards -- W. S. Libbey, the intrepid builder of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban, is portrayed with his wife Annie and two of his most beloved possessions; his beautifully appointed, high-speed interurban coach, No. 14, Narcissus, alongside Libbey driving his very rare 1908 Stanley Motor Coach Co., K 30-hp Semi-Races.
"Waiting for the Narcissus" Greeting Cards --The 1915 West Cumberland Maine "Morrison Hill Station" of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI); now resides at Seashore Trolley Musuem in quietude and awaits the return of its PLI partner, the Narcissus.
Maine artist, Wade Zahares, beautifully captures the coming together of W. "Scott" Libbey's two prized possessions in "Fast Friends" Prints of Wade's wonderful work are available by emailing
[email protected]
Please Consider Making a Donation to the Narcissus Restoration Project. We are currently raising funds to restore the interior of this Maine gem.
Proceeds from the sale of these Greeting Cards and prints goes to the restoration of the Narcissus Project!